De praktijk is de hele zomervakantie (15 juli t/m 23 augustus) open.

In deze weken zijn we in de middag telefonisch alleen bereikbaar voor spoed

Via het portaal van UwZorgOnline kunt u 24 uur per dag een afspraak maken, een herhaalrecept bestellen of per mail een vraag stellen aan de huisarts (geen spoed).

We wensen u een hele mooie zomer!

New patients - international insurance

Unfortunately we cannot register new patients with an international insurance.

We can only register patients with a Dutch health care insurance.

Our financial system is not adjusted to international health care insurances and we have noticed that it is too complicated for us to register patients with an international insurance.

If you are in need of a GP you can contact us and we will try to book you an appointment if possible.

We cannot give you any medical advise by phone or e-mail. You will always have to come to our practice and pay directly.

You can also try International Health Centre Rotterdam (

It is not possible to register as a patient here either, but they do consultations for patiënts with an international insurance as well. They also have some information about the Dutch Healthcare system that might be helpfull during your stay in the Netherlands (

We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

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